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Mark Heffernan, CEO

B.E (Civil), M.Eng. Sci., MBA FIE Aust.

Mark is a simulation practitioner based in Australia with Masters Degrees in Engineering and Business. He brings a Systems Engineering discipline to his modelling and spends as much time helping to solve the correct problem as he does solving the problem correctly.

He ensures that the models he builds with clients combine the dreams of Strategy with the constraints of Finance while always complying with the laws of Physics. His FleetDoctor simulation for the RAAF F-111 fleet was nominated for a Prime Minister’s Award for Innovation. The model has been converted into a generic fleet board game to help kinaesthetic learners experience the compromises required by operations, maintenance and logistics to reach the organisation’s goals.

He formerly ran Evans & Peck’s Decision Modelling Service Line. For several years Mark co-chaired the Business Stream of the ISDC with Jim Thompson and has written several papers on Health Care delivery with Dr Geoff McDonnell.

Immediate past President of the Health Policy Special Interest Group & the Australasian Chapter of the System Dynamics Society. Thread co-chair of the business stream of the International System Dynamics Conference.

Liz Heffernan

Bachelor of Education ACU
Master of Educational Administration UNSW
Graduate Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety (University of Newcastle)

We have a network of friends and colleagues all around the world to help with the Really big projects.

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To find out more about the problems we’ve help solve, get in touch with Mark Heffernan.