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Generative AI Data Centres for Renewable Energy Integration and Grid Stability: Fostering a Sustainable Economic Future

“…we are caught between two huge and unconscious forces: Our deepest hope as humans lies in technology; but our deepest trust lies in nature. These forces are like tectonic plates grinding inexorably into each other in one long, slow collision.”
— W. Brian Arthur, The Nature of Technology: What it is and How it Evolves


This paper examines the strategic role of generative AI-driven data centres in Australia’s renewable energy transition, analysing their potential as enablers of grid stability and renewable energy integration. While previous research has focused on direct renewable energy exports or data centre energy consumption independently, this paper proposes an integrated approach that leverages Australia’s renewable resources to establish the nation as a key provider of AI computing infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region.

Through analysis of current policy frameworks, technical requirements, and economic factors, we demonstrate how co-located generative AI data centres and renewable energy facilities could enhance grid stability while generating higher economic and environmental value than traditional energy export models. This paper identifies critical challenges including regulatory timeframes, infrastructure requirements, and grid integration protocols, proposing specific policy reforms to address these barriers.

Our analysis suggests that hyperscale cloud providers’ willingness to pay premium rates for renewable-powered computing capacity could fund crucial grid infrastructure improvements and create skilled employment opportunities in regional areas.

The paper concludes by outlining future research directions, emphasizing the need for detailed techno-economic analysis of hybrid energy-computing facilities and advanced grid management systems incorporating such facilities. This paper contributes to the growing body of literature on sustainable digital infrastructure development and renewable energy integration strategies.


Gen AI Datacentres – Download Paper


Ante Prodana, Jo-An Occhipintib, William Hynese, Shane Donohoo,

Mark Heffernan, Roy Green, Pawel Swieboda

Cutting Through the Confusion and Hype: Understanding the True Potential of Generative AI

“If economics wants to understand the new economy, it not
only has to understand increasing returns and the
dynamics of instability. It also has to look at cognition
itself, something we have never done before in economics.”

— W. Brian Arthur, ”Coming from Your Inner Self”. April 16, 1999.

This paper explores the nuanced landscape of generative AI (genAI), particularly focusing on neural network-based models like Large Language Models (LLMs).

While genAI garners both optimistic enthusiasm and skeptical criticism, this work seeks to provide a balanced examination of its capabilities, limitations, and the profound impact it may have on societal functions and personal interactions.

The first section demystifies language-based genAI through detailed discussions on how LLMs learn, their computational needs, distinguishing features from supporting technologies, and the inherent limitations in their accuracy and reliability. Real-world examples illustrate the practical applications and implications of these technologies.

The paper concludes with prospective developments and recommendations, emphasizing a forward-looking approach to harnessing genAI’s potential while mitigating its risks.

Cutting Through AI – Download Paper

Ante Prodana,b,c,d,* , Jo-An Occhipintib,c,d , Rehez Ahlipa , Goran Ujdurb,c , Harris A. Eyrec,e,f,g , Kyle Goosend , Luke Penza a , Mark Heffernan a,d,f

Forecast of total health expenditure on China’s ageing population: a system dynamics model

China is currently at a turning point as its total population has started to decline, and therefore faces issues related to caring for an ageing population, which will require an increase in Total Health Expenditure (THE). Therefore, the ability to forecast China’s future THE is essential.

We developed two THE System Dynamics (SD) models using Stella Architect 3.4 to simulate China’s THE from 2000 to 2060. The constant prices THE SD model estimates THE under low, medium, and high Total Fertility Rate (TFR) scenarios. The current prices THE SD model serves as a robust calibration check. In addition, we developed a new total Gross Domestic Production (GDP) forecast model to estimate THE/GDP over the same period.

China Health Expenditure Forecast – Download paper

BMC Health Services Research

Gazing through time and beyond the health sector: Insights from a system dynamics model of cardiovascular disease in Australia.

Objective: To construct a whole-of-system model to inform strategies that reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Australia.

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Reducing childhood overweight and obesity: Can the target be reached by 2025?

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Vignettes Apparent in Surviving Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

“I was concerned about how well prepared I was to withstand the treatment, about the burdens I would impose upon my family and friends, and what to expect in the weeks ahead. I’m writing this because along the way I found some System Dynamics tools to be quite helpful in navigating a difficult journey back to health.

I hope that my experiences in this application of the tools we use in practice can help someone else. Further, perhaps we can raise some questions which could benefit from a more rigorous approach.

I want to offer my heartfelt thanks to my medical team, Dr. Naomi Mackinlay, Nurse Helen Blackburn, all the staff at Northern Cancer Institute, North Shore Private & Public Hospitals and last but not least all my family and friends without whose support I would not have gotten though this ordeal alive…” Mark Heffernan, CEO Dynamic Operations

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Psychiatric beds and suicide rates - System Dynamic Modelling

The past decade has seen debate regarding the impact of reductions in psychiatric beds on suicide rates and the potential effect of reallocation of acute hospital funding to community based psychosocial, primary, and community health services (1–5).

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Systems modelling and simulation to inform strategic decision making for suicide prevention in rural New South Wales (Australia)

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A key challenge has been the complex decision making environment and lack of appropriate tools to facilitate the use of evidence, data and expert knowledge in a way that can inform contextually appropriate strategies that will deliver the greatest impact.

Systems modelling and simulation offers significant potential for regional decision makers to better understand and respond to the unique characteristics and drivers of suicidal behaviour in their catchments and more effectively allocate limited health resources.

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Webinar flyer - Population model

Simple models of local, regional and national population dynamics are often the
backbone and the starting place of larger social, ecological, technological and health
system dynamics models. Their embedded nature means they are often overlooked as a potential source of powerful insights on their own.

In this seminar we will present a range of population models, from single stock models to more complex models incorporating demographic characteristics and discuss ways in which these models can generate powerful insights in a variety of different contexts such as the current global COVID-19 pandemic…

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A decision support tool to inform local suicide prevention activity in Greater Western Sydney (Australia)

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Aircraft Fleet Management Using Systems Thinking

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Optimization of the management of the RAAF’s F-111 aircraft fleet requires understanding of the dynamics of a multivariable system. This fleet system is also constrained by finite economic resources which must also be optimized.

To achieve this optimized solution many heuristic business rules must be included in the enterprize model to ensure that output trend data is truely representative of the F-111 fleet system dynamics…

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Fleet Doctor To Airpower 2100

The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) operates a fleet of 36 F-111 aircraft based at Amberley in South East Queensland. The fleet is a multivariate system with complex dynamics constrained by economic and human resources.

In 1994, the aircraft fleet was experiencing declining availability and operational capability. The implementation of long term strategic planning was extremely difficult due to the complexity of the system and the rotation of military staff on a three yearly basis…

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Surfacing the hidden demand for opioid dependent treatments for drug policy makers

Illicit drug policy has been the subject of important SD studies addressing the interaction between policing and medical treatment and estimating the prevalence of national cocaine use.

Here we modeled the impacts of policy changes associated with wider use of newer opioid pharmacotherapies besides methadone. These newer drugs allow less supervision of dosing and changes in the mix of prescribing and dispensing arrangements…

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National Medicines Use

The Australian Government is required to report every five years on the impact of current fiscal policies on future generations. The first Intergenerational Report (IGR) in 2002 projected future Federal income and expenditure for the next forty years
based on expected demographic changes due to the baby boomers effect of increased fertility rates from 1946-1973.

The projected growth in GDP was 2.5 times while the federal Government outlays on prescription medicines through the universal Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) was expected to grow fifteen-fold by 2042…

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